Bandwidth: 1 – 3 MHz
Footprint: 60.7 x 16 mm (Voluson E8 Expert), 13 x 58 mm (Vivid E9)
Applications: Adult and Pediatric Cardiology, Epicardial
Compatibility: Philips iE33
Biopsy Guide: Multi angle, Disposable with a reusable bracket
Imaging Modes: 2D, biplane (Live xPlane), triggered full volume, Live 3D Echo, Color Doppler with 2D, biplane and 3D, XRES, Harmonic Imaging, LVO
Features: Explora connector with exceptional broadband response and new cable technology that is extremely flexible and lightweight
Biopsy Guide: Supports reusable plastic biopsy guide (dual angle) (14-23 gauge)